how can I support YOU?

Master Training

Step into holistic wellness with our comprehensive certification training programs in Reiki, Grid Work, and Masculine and Feminine balancing. Experience the profound benefits of tailored insights, guiding you on your journey of self-discovery and healing. Our courses integrate personalized readings, enhancing your understanding and empowering you to become a proficient healer and guide. Join us today to illuminate your path towards holistic well-being.

  • Grid Work Training

  • Masculine & Feminine Balancing Training

  • Reiki I, II, and III Training

Master Training

Tarot & Oracle

Tarot cards are like little pages to your story; each card tells your unique story, whereas oracle cards are like the whole chapter—a more comprehensive reading passage.

  • 3 Card Spread – Past, Present, Future
  • 5 Card Spread – Cross Section
  • 9 Card Spread – Comprehensive P,P,F

  • Health, Wealth, Love, Destiny
  • Celtic Cross
Tarot & Oracle Readings

Sacred Origins & Grid Work Healings

The sacred origin grid or akashic clearing works to clear out past traumas and understand your unique galactic origin. These healings work to open your meridians as we focus on the chakras and tones beneficial for origin healing.

  • Clear out all negative attachments
  • Trauma and Miasms are removed
  • Sacred Geometry used to clear the Akashic

  • A sealing of protection is performed
  • Detailed report given of healing

Sacred Akashic Reading

Astrology, Numerology, & Human Design

The Astrology and Numerology readings cover detail reporting of where the stars were at your exact birth time. The Human Design reading looks at modalities including Astrology, Planet Placement, and I’Ching. The purpose of Human Design is to show our unique blueprint.

  • Natal Chart Readings
  • Life Path Readings

  • Chrion Reading
  • Compatibility Reading
  • Synastry Readings
  • Human Design Readings

The Stars Align Reading
Setting up solutions to provide access to highly trained intuitive's, healers, sound therapists, shamans, light-workers and grid workers.
Using the newest technologies to offer a seamless healing solution.
Maximizing healing through sacred grid work, sound therapy, and light language.

Diligently working on my research for galactic soul healing through my starseed origin and grid healing app.


I’m almost complete in conducting my research on the miasms and trauma storage in the starseed origin DNA.

Arcturian Starseeds 10%
Blue Avian Starseeds 3%
Pleiadian Starseeds 34%
Felines from Avyon Starseeds 2%
Alpha Draconian/Centauri Starseeds 5%
Lyran Starseeds 25%
Sirian Starseeds 14%
Vegan Starseeds 7%

Developing high performance healing apps for customers seeking ascension.

Developing high performance healing apps for customers seeking ascension.

Case Study FAQ’s

Please follow the get in touch link to the contact form. I’ll reach out to you via email to schedule your free assessment.

Your first consultation will be to gather information and is free of charge. The second consultation is your direct healing time.

I need your date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth. I will also ask for a brief health history.

No personal information gets shared in the case study.

The Starseed Origin Healing and the Sacred Grid Work are under the case study. Each healing is FREE and is 60-80 minutes long.

Sacred Origin Healing
Satisfied Customers

Reviews in the last 5 years

This was by far the most amazing and beautiful experience I’ve ever had. Claryen, is gifted beyond belief. I would highly recommend having a dowsing clearing. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


From the first time, Claryen read my birth chart to when she performed a Starseed healing/clearing, she has awakened my soul and brought so much clarity to my journey in this life. Claryen has helped me understand the thoughts, the visions, the unexplainable incidences I’ve had and tried to “explain away” were actually all part of the universe, my ancestors, my gifts of my soul, trying to awaken me. This last session of her sacred grid origin clearing literally lit my soul UP. The emotions, the releases, the rejoicing of remembering and becoming one with my soul, was the most powerful feeling. I don’t feel like “it’s all in my head” anymore. I finally understand. I finally have clarity and peace within my soul. Claryen is such a beautiful soul. She really is, one of my guardian angels. If you have any questions, of why you are here or what is your purpose, work with Claryen today! She will guide your soul, gently and beautifully, to the space of remembering who you are. Thank you.


I felt so light and literally felt I am glowing. My face looks so radiant. I feel radiant. It was amazing, thank you!

It was such a gift to have found Claryen. After discovering her on YouTube, something kept pulling me back to her. I’m glad I listened, because my healing with Claryen seems to have shifted me into a new phase of my life. I felt so stuck before our meeting, but Claryen helped me to lighten my energy enough that I could begin shifting it more and more. I immediately felt deeply understood by her, and the incredible warmth and beauty of Claryen’s soul shone through so brightly the whole time. I had so much fun meeting with her and I felt as if all my heavy energy was dissolving into a magical lavender glow. Our meeting made me feel more of a sense of purpose in my life, as if I am a part of some deep, wonderful mystery. I felt like Claryen saw through to my soul and was able to reflect it back to me, which made uncanny feelings of recognition pour down into me. Even my dogs were mesmerized by the beautiful healing energy that Claryen brought through. I could tell from my first meeting with Claryen that her work gets very deep and I have felt how the healing continues to reverberate for weeks after. I am so grateful for Claryen’s amazing gifts and I honestly can’t wait to have another healing with her.